Monday 4 April 2022

White stone in Montejunto Novo

This is Montejunto Novo. We have been here quite a lot over the past 5 years. It is only a 40 minute drive from Cambelas (in the seaside). I see this mountain from my window and it is good to visit it ferquently, and to observe the differences in vegetation colour and in the flowers, along the seasons. This climbing section is very popular. There is usually people who travel from Lisbon and surroundings, and also foreigners travelling and stopping to climb. From Montejunto Novo we can see the sea and even the water tower located only 2 minutes away from my village. There are some easy routes but I find most quite hard as they are overhanging and I do not like to climb on overhanging routes. In a summer's day it is a good place to be because it is quiet and it is not hot. Serra de Montejunto is a protected area since 1999. The vegetation and land patches are unique and sometimes we can hear birds of prey flying over the crag. There is also a series of old windmills that punctuate the rigde on the way up and an old house that possible belonged to the extincted forest extension services. The village at the base of the mountain, Vila Verde de Francos, is very sunny and very autentic.  

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