Thursday 18 December 2014

Dry and bright

The sacred city of Caral is the second oldest civilization in the world. It has been established in the North-Central region of Peru, before any other civilization has established in the Andes and America. The development of the Caral civilization was premature in comparison to other civilizations (e.g, Egypt, Mesopotamia) established in the old continent. In addition, while other civilizations exchanged goods, knowledge and experiences among themselves, the civilization of Caral developed without any contact with other big civilizations. Absolutely fascinating!

White sky, blue sky, white sky...

They eat, they drink, they dance, they shop. But is it really like this?

Orange lights in a dark night

Is it good or bad that when I pass here now the only thing I can remember is a passage of Dan Brown's book, Angels and Demons?

"It was 11.07 pm. Langdon's car raced through the Roman night. Speeding down Lungotevere Tor Di Nona, parallel with the river, Langdon could now see his destination rising like a mountain to his right. Castel Sant' Angelo. Castle of the Angel."

Under the yellow sun of Alcala

Maguer, señor Quijote, que sandeces
vos tengan el cerbelo derrumbado,
nunca seréis de alguno reprochado
por home de obras viles y soeces.
Serán vuesas fazañas los joeces,
pues tuertos desfaciendo habéis andado,
siendo vegadas mil apaleado
por follones cautivos y raheces.
Y si la vuesa linda Dulcinea
desaguisado contra vos comete,
ni a vuesas cuitas muestra buen talante,
en tal desmán, vueso conorte sea
que Sancho Panza fue mal alcaguete,
necio él, dura ella, y vos no amante.
Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quijote de la Mancha

Brown chair with a broken leg

Everytime I come to the UNECE in Geneva I ask myself what is a chair with a broken leg doing in front of the Palais des Nations. But I will find out, because google is "our friend"!
So: The chair with a broken leg symbolises opposition to land mines and cluster bombs, and acts as a reminder to politicians and others visiting Geneva. The work is from Swiss artist Daniel Berset.
Wow! What a noble message this chair carries!

Mix of colours in Freiburg market

Food security, food security, food security...To this contributes a daily market in the main square of Freiburg. The products look fresh and local, and by 8am there is already plenty of happy people around buying those products. A lesson on food security to those countries where outdoor markets almost disappeared.