Sunday 9 December 2012

Red gown - Graduation in Aberdeen 2012

30th November of 2012 was the official end of 3,5 very enjoyable years to obtain my PhD in Geography. I learnt a lot during this period. I travelled to several countries, met very interesting people, taught intelligent students, was taught by intelligent teachers...It was not always easy: A PhD requires great dedication and if we are not strong and determined to finish it the tricks of life can make the task difficult. I have to thank the help and guidance of my excellent supervisors Prof(s) Pete Smith, Bill Slee and Colin Hunter and the support of my parents, friends and colleagues. I was very happy in Aberdeen and now that I am in Paris, I will keep writing my Scottish stories because there are still plenty to tell. And if you do not mind, from time to time I will also post here some colours of Paris :-)